2023 PARTners
They have decided to join forces with Numérique en Commun[s] for this sixth edition in Bordeaux Métropole !
NEC 2023 co-organizers
ANCT’s Digital Society Program works with local authorities and local players to structure, equip and accelerate projects aimed at creating an innovative and inclusive digital society. It initiated the Numérique en Commun[s] program, which has been running in France for 6 years.
Bordeaux Métropole is committed to a policy of digital choices that take impact into account and guarantee the control and transparency of choices, and is hosting this edition of NEC in partnership with the Digital Society, Digital Cities international meeting, which brings together the annual meeting of the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights, the Eurocities network’s Digital Inclusion seminar, ADCET‘s Assises des Usages numériques citoyens and many other events organized by the region.
The thematic partners of the Bordeaux edition of Numerique en Commun[s]