At the initiative of the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires, Numérique en Commun[s] is the process of building a digital society of general interest: open, inclusive, accessible, sustainable, sovereign and ethical.
Today, everyone must be able to find their rightful place in the proposals offered by the NEC program: new players as well as historic players in the digital general interest sector, « experts » as well as beginners.
The approach seeks to mobilize all professionals, so that they can become acculturated to the themes, equip themselves on a specific subject, discover the ecosystem and its players, meet the community or actively contribute to the creation of resources and tools. There are a number of ways of mobilizing the community thus formed, producing a shared culture, equipping professionals and providing them with practical support in their field missions.
Each year, the Numérique en Commun[s] approach includes :
- A major annual event to be held in Bordeaux in 2023;
- Support for the emergence of local NECs;
- The production of shared, open-license resources;
- The organization of online and face-to-face meetings and workshops on NEC programming.
Numérique en Commun[s] has become a permanent fixture on the scene, mobilizing professionals and local communities over the past 6 years, to defend a digital product of general interest.
2022 edition — LENS
- 1800 attendees
- 228 speakers
- 6000 people followed the live online broadcasts
2021 edition — SUD CHARENTE
Château de la Mercerie
- 400 attendees
- 60 speakers
- 5000 people followed the live online broadcasts
2020 edition — LYON
- 2600 online course participants
- 6 parcours online acculturation courses
- 62 contributors
- 4000 people followed the live webcast
2019 edition — MARSEILLE
- 800 attendees
- 80 speakers
2018 edition — NANTES
- 850 attendees
- 120 speakers & contributors
Numérique en Commun[s] contributes to the construction of a digital society of general interest. To this end, the organizers and partners are committed to the following founding principles.
Guaranteeing openness and access for all
NEC events are free of charge in order to promote access for all. We make every one of our publications accessible. Finally, we make all our speakers aware of the need to respect the principles of openness, listening and benevolence during exchanges.
Promoting the diversity of stakeholders and audiences
NEC programming must aim for parity. No all-male panels are allowed. Measures are taken to encourage the participation of diverse audiences, especially those who are not already active in the NEC ecosystem and who would benefit from the tools on offer.
Distribute all productions under free and open licenses
All the resources produced are made available under free and open licenses to facilitate their use and adaptation. The CC BY-SA 4.0 FR resource is the one used.
Organizing a sustainable event
All NEC service providers are selected for their commitment to positive social and environmental impact. In addition, we try to make economical and frugal choices so as not to allocate too many resources to the organization of an event.
Focus on frugal and responsible digital ecosystems
All the digital tools we use, the way our information system operates and the way we use data are based on strong principles: compliance with the RGPD, mobilization of open and sovereign tools wherever possible.
Numerique en Commun[s] is an initiative supported by ANCT’s Digital Society Program.a
ANCT – Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires – created in January 2020, is tasked with advising and supporting local authorities and their groupings in the conception, definition and implementation of their projects, particularly in favor of digital access.
Within this program, the Digital Society Program aims to develop everyone’s ability to seize digital opportunities, in particular by supporting the digital transition of territories. Leading the France Numérique Ensemble plan, it works in particular with local authorities and local players to structure, equip and accelerate projects for an innovative and inclusive society.
With Numerique en Commun[s], the Digital Society Program provides a framework for reflection and action. Thanks to a national event, supported by online events and local variations, NEC federates a growing community of players united by the desire to create a digital society of general interest that is inclusive, ethical, sustainable, open, accessible and sovereign.
ANCT’s Digital Society Program is working to provide everyone with the keys to embracing digital technology.