Numerique en Commun[s] is not just a national event. It’s also open to all, and can be mobilized by those who wish to create a time for reflection and joint work in their area. On this page, learn more about the local NEC format, discover upcoming local NECs and submit a request to organize a local NEC.


July 5, 2023

September 25, 2023

October 12, 2023


    30 local NECs organized since January 2021

    27 territories mobilized


    • Vaulx-en-Velin, Chambéry, Nantes, Lalouvesc, Strasbourg, Bordeaux Métropole and Montpellier Métropole cities,

    • Pays Picards, Sambre-Avesnois-Thiérache, Sud-Charente, and Sud-Essonne territories,

    • Vosges, Dordogne, Ardennes, Seine-Saint-Denis, Maine et Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Doubs and Allier departments,

    • Centre-Val de Loire, Hauts-de-France, and Occitanie areas,

    • French overseas departments and regions : Guadeloupe, La Réunion and Martinique.


      In 2020, the first issue of the local NEC notebooks was published. It inaugurates a survey that aims to meet the territories and people who are mobilizing to bring about a digital society of general interest. A digital world designed and built to be more ethical, more open, more sustainable and more inclusive.

      Three years and fourteen issues later, we feel it’s time to rethink the format of this survey, which is less about presenting « good » digital development practices than unveiling their new contours. With this overhaul, we hope to continue questioning all ways of seeing and thinking about digital technology, its effects and its opportunities. That’s why we see the issues of this fledgling magazine as milestones in an investigation that seeks to participate in a broader movement to describe and compose a more inclusive digital world. A magazine that seeks to sketch out the design of a shared world that is fairer, more habitable and more sustainable.

      Through the exploration of different themes, NEC magazine aims to present this investigation three times a year, this journey towards the establishment of a French digital general interest.

      Onwards and upwards!

      François Huguet

      Editor-in-Chief, NEC magazine

      The latest publications



      ANCT’s Digital Society Program maintains an ongoing call for participation to gather requests for support in organizing a local NEC for the year 2023.

      The Numerique en Commun[s] (NEC) trademark is registered by ANCT and is free to use. Any organization wishing to organize an event under the NEC brand is free to do so, provided it complies with the NEC charter.

      I’m applying for a local NEC

      By default, all local NEC holders benefit from :

      • The possibility of using the Numérique En Commun[s] brand and benefiting from the associated trust;
      • Programming support, in advance of the event, via the organization guide;
      • Links with the national programs of the ANCT – Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires : Digital Society Program, Incubateur des Territoires, Nouveaux Lieux Nouveaux Liens ;
      • Promoting the local NEC on networks;
      • Supply of a customized communication kit: logo, event web page, banners for social networks, poster, etc.

      Project eligibility rules

      Project initiators

      Applications for this call for projects may be submitted by any type of legal entity.

      Local NEC theme

      In addition to digital inclusion, the Digital Society program encourages local NEC promoters to take up other themes, in partnership with the ANCT’s Incubateur des Territoires. These themes can be (non-exhaustive list):

      • Digital inclusion;
      • Digital commons and sharing;
      • Open source software and open data;
      • Access to public services;
      • Digital tools for local authorities;
      • Ecological transition / eco-design;
      • Digital accessibility;
      • Digital security / digital sovereignty.

      Local NEC format

      The local Nec can be organized 100% online or via a hybrid format combining face-to-face and digital sessions.

      Commitments by project initiators

      To be awarded the local NEC label is to become a member of an active community and commit to making a contribution. In particular, local NEC members undertake to :


      • Document the exchanges and make the content produced during the local NEC available in open formats so that it can be freely reused, in particular on the website La Base (support from ANCT can be requested for this purpose);
      • Collaborate with ANCT, its service providers and partners to organize the NEC;
      • Participate in the annual national Numerique en Commun[s] event alongside other local NECs;
      • Respect the NEC charter, available here.
      • ANCT’s Digital Society program maintains an ongoing call for participation to gather requests for support in organizing a local NEC for the year 2023.
      • Applications must be submitted at least 4 months before the date of the event to qualify for financial support from the Digital Society Program.

      Content of the application file

      The dossier to be submitted by project promoters must include the following information:

      The goal of the local NEC :

      • The theme(s) addressed, explaining the benefits of such an NEC for local players;
      • The geographical area concerned;
      • The target audience and an estimate of the number of people expected to attend;
      • The co-organizers or partners involved;
      • The formats envisaged;
      • Resources mobilized (human, technical, material, communication, etc.);
      • A provisional budget outlining planned expenditure.

      The Digital Society Program reserves the right to award project leaders who so request.

      1. A grant to cover the costs of organizing the event

      • Logistical costs (venue, equipment, scenography, etc.);
      • Communication costs;
      • Expenses related to programming (invitations to speakers, etc).

      2. The involvement of a duo made up of a researcher and a journalist, to act as intermediaries between the various local 

      This duo’s mission will be to create a common « narrative » of all NEC events through local NEC reviews. They will also highlight the actions, projects, resources and deliverables produced or disseminated within the framework of each NEC, in order to promote them, create useful connections between communities of players, and reinforce their use and impact. This duo’s approach is tailored to the needs of each local NEC.

      For example:

      • Introductory intervention by the local NEC to present the facilitation approach, facilitation of a participatory opening sequence and handover;
      • Production of portraits of local players, verbatims of key words, photographs of the event and sound recordings;
      • Integration of reflections and analysis of ideas and contributions made by the NEC in the quarterly magazine of local NECs.

      In keeping with NEC’s open approach, all the elements produced can be freely reused and valorized by local NEC participants.

      Selection criteria

      ANCT will pay close attention to various criteria to determine an event’s eligibility for funding and specific support by a researcher-journalist duo.

      To apply for financing or support, the following are required:

      • Support for the event from at least one local authority;
      • An expected or registered audience of at least 150 people, and a venue capable of accommodating them.

      ANCT will also take into account :

      • The strength and viability of the project (available funding, dedicated project team, etc.);
      • Diversity of organizers;
      • Digital maturity of the region;
      • The ability to mobilize local players, both public and private;
      • Measures taken to comply with the NEC framework, in particular the NEC Charter ;
      • Measures taken to ensure the transcription of workshops or the creation of resources based on the formats used;
      • The capacity for innovation, both in terms of form (proposing innovative formats) and content (opening up new themes).

      Instruction and contractualization

      ANCT’s Digital Society Program is in charge of processing the call for projects. Once the applications have been selected for funding, the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires will enter into a contract with the winners.

      An agreement binding the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires and the project leader will be signed, valid until December 31, 2023. The full amount of the grant is paid on signature of the agreement. The amount of the grant awarded may not represent more than 80% of the total budget of the local NEC.

      If you have any questions or problems, please contact the Digital Society Program at : amelie.naquet@anct.gouv.fr